Many different types of industrial equipment have a wide range of uses across various different sectors. Things like pallet lifters or a scissor lift pallet truck are often considered to be specific for storage or warehousing facilities, however, we think they can be effective tools in completely different environments. Take an airport for example. We have looked into the activities going on throughout our local airport and realised that a scissor lift pallet truck could be used in almost every department.
Read on to find out more about how local airports could make use of the efficient scissor lift pallet truck.
Transporting Luggage
One of the main areas we identified for using a scissor lift pallet truck is in the transporting of luggage from its check-in point to the hold on the plain. Currently, most airports appear to use wheeled trolleys which are pushed or pulled. Some may use small vehicles with a trailer attached. However, with the use of a scissor lift pallet truck, you can lift and move the baggage easily and quickly throughout the airport without the need to manually lift or throw any bags.
Moving Stock
Airports nowadays are filled with shops, retailers and restaurants ready to provide you with duty-free gifts and refreshments while you are waiting to board your flight. Each of these establishments will need to hold a large amount of stock in a nearby warehouse location, which could be hard to manage. By using a scissor lift pallet truck, you can move and store stock easily between a stockroom and the backroom of a store or bar.
Raising Repair Workers
Whenever a plane lands in an airport, it will need to go through rigorous checks, refuelling and any small repairs necessary. The size of the vehicles means it can often be difficult to manoeuvre staff into the right position to carry out the essential duties. Ramp workers have a lot to do, so they can make use of a scissor lift pallet truck to lift them up to where they need to be around the plane.
Arranging Plane Access
Lastly, the scissor lift pallet truck could be used to help passengers get onto the plane itself. We’re not saying holiday-goers should don hardhats and be lifted up, but the equipment can be used to help staff attach the stairs or ramps to the plane’s access points. This can be a safer and more secure way of working, as opposed to using ladders or another form of equipment.