Tips For Starting University

Tips For Starting University

Making new friends

The first friends you make at university will probably be the people living in your flat or on your corridor, but that group will soon change. You should try to meet as many people as possible, not only in your accommodation but also on your course, and in societies, as you will spend most of your time in these three locations. Joining societies is also an excellent way to meet new people with similar interests. This will also help you get to know people who live in your area.

Managing your workload

Managing your workload when starting university is a vital skill to learn. Regardless of the time of day, figuring out a routine early on will help you manage your time efficiently and avoid getting overwhelmed. By forming a daily routine, you will have more time to complete tasks and focus on the things you enjoy. A planner, whether old-fashioned or digital, will be a useful tool to keep track of important events and dates.

Getting involved in society

If you’re looking to get involved in a society during your first year of university, it’s best to start by promoting your idea. If you’ve never held a public meeting, it’s a good idea to start a Facebook group, collect names of people interested, and gather phone numbers and email addresses for future contact. Then, start planning your first events. Make sure your society’s events are fun and engaging for all participants.

Managing stress

Managing stress when starting university is a huge challenge for students. This new lifestyle comes with its own set of challenges and rewards, including new social and academic responsibilities. Students may experience mixed emotions, including excitement, loneliness, and anxiety. These feelings are not unique to the first year at university, however. Each subsequent stage presents its own unique challenges, making it vital to learn how to cope with them.